Mattel is promoting new Latina versions of Barbie, based on the Latina pop group RBD. The dolls are available in stores in the U.S. now, and will be in Latin America and some European countries by the fall.
I think the dolls are a step in the right direction, both in terms of appealing to the Latina market and increasing the ethnic diversity of dolls on the shelves. That said, thse dolls still promote an unrealistic body type. Still, I’d rather my child play with these dolls instead of a
traditional blonde Barbie.
Anybody notice these dolls all have the same skin tone on their legs and hands?
I can’t be 100% sure, but it looks like Mattel went budget-minded and just swapped out the standard head.
This may be a small step in the right direction, but it’s no giant leap for cultural diversity. Then, I never expect much from Mattel anyway. Nearly every “ethnic” toyline they’ve tried to pass off has been a joke (coming from someone with several years background working in a retail store).