I created The Multicultural Toybox as a resource to promote and support antiracist, intersectional, inclusive parenting and teaching of the next generation of awesome human beings.
The Multicultural Toybox is built on several foundational philosophies:
- As parents, teachers, and individuals, we are always learning. When we learn we are incorrect or have been inadvertently offensive, we listen, apologize, and synthesize the lesson into our way of moving humanely in the world.
- A diverse and multicultural society is a better, stronger society.
- Representation matters—in toys, books, advertising, film, and on TV, but also in local government, in Congress, in courts, and in the White House.
- White privilege exists. Ableism is real. Homophobia is a plague. Misogyny remains a huge threat. We must educate ourselves about these and other ills, and call them out when we see them.
- It is not the job of any underrepresented, oppressed, or subaltern peoples to teach those of us in the dominant culture about their oppressions. Still, when they speak, we listen in the hopes of learning. We aspire to become allies.
- White people must speak frankly with other white people about racism and other forms of systemic discrimination.
- Income inequality, and its attendant mass poverty, is one of the chief threats to the United States.
- The preschool-to-prison pipeline must be abolished.
- Parents and teachers should help children develop a deeply-held principle of nonviolence.
The site’s name intentionally suggests a playfulness because I believe play is central to learning. This play allows us to do important work. Will you play with us? Will you join us in this work?
—Leslie Madsen-Brooks